Central Council of Jews in Germany condemns pro-Palestinian event in Berlin that disregards Hamas terror

The Central Council of Jews in Germany has issued a sharp condemnation against an upcoming “Palestine Congress” that will take place in Berlin.

Zentralrat President Josef Schuster described the event as a display of anti-Zionism, emphasizing that it offers no solutions to the plight of Gaza’s civilian population.

Furthermore, Schuster asserted that disregarding Hamas’s acts of terrorism and its harmful strategies against its own people only serves to discredit those who do so.

Since the announcement of the congress, there has been continuous sharp criticism of it.

According to the Berlin Senate’s Department of the Interior, this mobilization has primarily come from groups associated with the antisemitic “Boycott Spectrum.”

The Central Council of Jews in Germany is part of a non-partisan “Alliance Against Antisemitic Terrorism” that collectively opposes the event and calls for dissent. Critics anticipate glorification of terrorism and calls for the destruction of Israel.


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