§1 – The Council supports the General Assembly in defining the general policy of EJC, reviews reports from the President and the Executive Vice-President, advises on multi annual goals and plans of action, and reviews annual accounts and budgets as necessary from time to time.
§2 – Each member shall be represented in the Council by one of its delegates, preferably the president, the vice president, or an eminent personality of such community who has been officially appointed for such purpose.
§3 – Members representing the 5 largest communities may appoint two representatives each to the Council. A proxy may be issued by the member’s president in the event a representative of its delegation is unable to attend.
§4 – The Council meets once a year.
§5 – Representatives of the World Jewish Congress and other Jewish organizations may be invited by the President to attend the Council meetings as observers.
§6 – The Council’s meetings are co-chaired by the President and the Chairman of the Council.
§7 – Decisions of the Council are taken by simple majority of delegates present and are binding for the Executive and its commissions.
§8 – The quorum of the Council is made up of the President or the Chairman of the Council plus 50% of the members officially appointed.