The General Assembly is the supreme body of the EJC. It defines the general policy of EJC, receives reports from the President and the Executive Vice-President, sets multi annual goals and plans of action, receives and approves annual accounts and budget.
The General Assembly has the powers expressly recognized by law or by these statutes, including:
- the adoption of amendments to the bylaws
- the appointment and dismissal of Executive members, including the President and the Chairman of the Council
- the voluntary dissolution of the EJC
- the admission of members and their suspension or exclusion.
§1 – The General Assembly must be held at least once a year.
§2 – In unusual circumstances, an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly can be called at the initiative of (i) the President or (ii) a majority of the members of the Executive or of the Council, or (iii) at the initiative of at least 1/5 of the members. Decisions made at an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly continue and are valid until the next Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly.
§3 – The agenda for the Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly shall include such matters specified by the bodies who initiated such meeting as the reason for calling such Extraordinary Meeting and such other matters in conformity with Article 16 of this Constitution.
§4 – Every General Assembly must be held on the days and at the times and places mentioned in the invitation. Only members must be invited as well as those who qualify as observers duly invited as such by the President. Nevertheless, members, to the extent duly identified by the President, may be allowed to participate by videoconference or, in exceptional circumstances, using a telephone conferencing system.
§5 – Decisions may also be taken following a written procedure, to the extent permitted by law.
§1 – The agenda for the Meetings of the General Assembly shall be proposed by the Executive and shall be delivered, by letter or collective email to each member not less than four weeks before the date of the convening of the Meeting of the General Assembly.
§2 – Proposals submitted not less than 14 days prior to the date of the Meeting of the General Assembly shall be incorporated in the final agenda.
§1 – Each member is entitled to participate and to vote on the General Assembly by sending the number of delegates mentioned in §2. The number of delegates for each community is determined by a key of representation fixed for each country according to its Jewish population, based on the demographic figures stipulated in Annex I.
§2 – The number of delegates per member communities shall vary depending on the total Jewish population of the concerned country:
- Member communities with a Jewish population below 5,000 persons will have one delegate;
- Member communities with a Jewish population between 5,000 and 50,000 persons will have two delegates;
- Member communities with a Jewish population above 50,000 shall have two delegates plus one additional delegate per additional 50,000
§3 – The demographic figures stated in Annex I can be modified or updated based on new research certified by an independent professional body. Any modification must be ratified by the General Assembly.
§4 – Each delegate is entitled to one vote.
§5 – The president of each member may direct that a proxy be issued for himself/herself and members of his/her delegation who are not able to attend. No delegate may hold more than two proxies.
Meetings of the General Assembly are chaired by the President of EJC. In his/her absence the President may appoint the Chairman of the Council or a Vice-President to chair the meeting.
§1 – The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a simple majority of the delegates present or duly represented by proxies confirmed by its community president, and voting, except where otherwise stated.
§2 – Changes in EJC’s Constitution, termination of membership and suspension of membership for more than 3 months shall require a qualified two third (2/3) majority of those present.
§3 – The dissolution of EJC shall require a 2/3 majority of those entitled to vote.§4 – The quorum of the General Assembly is made up of the President (or a designated Vice- President) plus 50 % of the delegates officially appointed. If this quorum cannot be reached, a second Assembly with the exact same agenda must be held in the following 3 months and will be able to deliberate and vote, no matter the number of present delegates.
The General Assembly elects the President, the Chairman of the Council and the members of the Executive for a term of four years. The General Assembly can, with a 2/3 majority of those present, revoke any elected officer of the EJC.
§1 – General Assembly decisions are recorded in a register of minutes signed by all the delegates present at the meeting who wish to do so, and at least by the President and the Executive Vice-President. This register is kept at the registered office where all members can consult it. However, the registry cannot be moved. Third parties who prove a legitimate interest receive a copy of the minutes regarding the decisions that affect them.
§2 – All amendments to the articles are deposited without delay to the court’s registry and extracts are then published in the Annexes of the Moniteur Belge. The procedure is the same for all actions relating to the appointment or termination of the mandates of the Executive’s members.