
Jewish Community of Estonia condemns the Estonian Academy of Arts’ decision to terminate its cooperation agreement with an Israeli university

The Jewish Community of Estonia issued a statement expressing outrage and deep regret over the Estonian Academy of Art's decision to end cooperation with Israeli universities.

Jewish community of Estonia commemorates the Soviet deportations of Estonian Jews

Alla Jakobson, Chairperson of the Estonian Jewish Community, opened the ceremony with a poignant reminder of the tragic fate of the 419 Estonian Jews who were deported by the USSR.

Commemoration held in the Estonian Jewish Community Center on the occasion of Yom HaShoah

Chairwoman of the Jewish Community of Estonia, Alla Jakobson, and Chief Rabbi Shmuel Kot reflected on the Shoah and its relevance to contemporary times during the ceremony.

Commemoration at Kalevi-Liiva

The ceremony was attended by members of the Council of the Jewish Community of Estonia, government officials and representatives of the Embassies of Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and the United States.

Commemorating the 82nd anniversary of Estonia’s first mass deportation

On June 14, the 82nd anniversary of the first mass deportation from Estonia was commemorated. A memorial rally was held at the Rahumäe Jewish Cemetery organised by the Jewish Community of Estonia.

Estonia Jewish Community suspends its membership from National Minority Council after inclusion of antisemitic board member

ational Minorities on Wednesday after the approval of former EKRE MP Ruuben Kaalep as an Integration Foundation board member. The group believes Kaalep holds antisemitic views.

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