
More than 4,500 antisemitic crimes recorded in Germany in 2024

In the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, 671 antisemitic crimes were reported to the Federal Criminal Police Office. These included 24 violent crimes and 237 cases of incitement to hatred.

Bundestag passes resolution against antisemitism at German universities

The resolution provides for sanctions against antisemitic behaviour in educational institutions. It also calls for increased support and further training for teachers.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz says Germany has the responsibility to uphold the memory of the Holocaust

Scholz also underscored the "worrying and alarming normalisation" of antisemitism, hate and the far right, especially on social media.

Germany approves tribunal to decide Nazi-looted art claims

Germany’s government approved a reform to help the heirs of Jewish collectors recover Nazi-looted art, introducing a binding arbitration tribunal to adjudicate claims.

Zentralrat President: “If the AfD enters government, I am deeply concerned about the future of Jewish life in Germany”

The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, expressed concerns about the growing support for the AfD and its implications for Jewish life in Germany.

German woman who lives in home looted from Jews must give it up according to legal ruling

The case centers on an estate that functioned in the 1930s as a summer retreat for an orphanage operated by two Jewish women, Alice Donat and Helene Lindenbaum.

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