
Spain’s Jewish Community urges U.S. Supreme Court to order return of Nazi-looted Pissarro painting held by the Thyssen Museum

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain filed an amicus curiae brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the Cassirer family, who are demanding that the Thyssen Museum returns a painting which was looted by the Nazis.

An exhibition in Madrid remembers the role of Jews in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War

The president of the FCJE, David Obadía, attended the inauguration of the exhibition at the Centro Sefarad-Israel.

Spanish government awards posthumous honours to two Spaniards killed in Hamas attack

The Spanish Government has posthumously awarded the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Civil Recognition for Victims of Terrorism to Maya Villalobo Sinvany and Iván Illarramendi Saizar, the two Spaniards killed during the Hamas terrorist attack.

Barcelona court overturns city council’s suspension of relations with Israel

The Administrative Court No. 10 of Barcelona has overturned the institutional declaration approved by the Municipal Plenary in 2023, which suspended relations between the Barcelona City Council and the State of Israel.

Federation of Spanish Jewish Communities deliver critical aid to flood victims in València

The Federation of Spanish Jewish Communities (FCJE), in coordination with Cadena ONG, is collecting aid and delivering it in person to those most affected by the devastating floods in València.

Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain stands in solidarity with victims of flooding disaster

Spain is enduring its worst flooding disaster in decades with at least 95 people dead and dozens more missing after huge rains swept through the country.

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