
Ukraine commemorates 83rd anniversary of Babyn Yar tragedy

The Babyn Yar tragedy was a mass murder of nearly 34,000 Jews by Nazi forces over two days in September 1941, near Kyiv, as part of the Holocaust.

Director of the JCU Inna Ioffe: “Our mission is to unite the Jews of Ukraine, help the Jewish community, and support the state of Israel”

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Inna Ioffe, the Director of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine (JCU), sheds light on the challenges and resilience of Ukraine's Jewish community.

The first Ukrainian-language Haggadah goes to print

Translating second-century Hebrew and Aramaic text of the Haggadah into modern Ukrainian was no simple task. The difficulties began as early as the first letter of the word Haggadah.

Over 35,000 pilgrims traveled to Uman for Rosh Hashanah

Uman serves as the burial place of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, the founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement, making it an important pilgrimage site for his followers during the holiday.

Kyiv celebrates 125th anniversary of the Brodsky Synagogue

The event was attended by local government representatives, ambassadors, military officers and senior government officials.

Nina Bogorad, oldest Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations, dies at 98

Bogorad was recognized by Yad Vashem as a Righteous Among the Nations, after she saved a Ukrainian soldier of Jewish origin during World War II. 

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