Norwich mayor apologies to community for 12th century Jewish blood libel

The Lord mayor of Norwich has apologised to the city’s Jewish community for the religious persecution in the 12th century after false claims about the murder of a boy.

Dr Kevin Maguire referenced the impact the blood libel allegations had on the community after Jews were falsely accused of murdering the 12-year-old, called William, in 1144.

It was England’s first recorded instance of a ‘blood libel’, in which Jews were wrongly accused of murdering Christian boys to use their blood in religious rituals.

“Medieval Norwich blamed the Jews and we see the horrendous events that followed.

“Today we see other ‘not like me’ groups turned upon and blamed for shortcomings in society.

“For me, the answer is to say ‘no more’ and to work for Norwich to be free of antisemitism – and to counter the lies told blatantly by those who would wish to foment hate.”

Dr Maguire’s apology came after he was invited to attend a Seder meal during Pesach.


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