Investigation opened into former general following antisemitic remarks on French TV

The Paris prosecutor’s office said that it had opened an investigation into a former general who made antisemitic remarks on live TV.

“Who controls the media crowd?”, TV presenter Claude Posternak asked Dominique Delawarde in a segment in the French TV channel Cnews.

Smiling, Delawarde replied: “You know very well who controls the media crowd in the world and in France”.

“We can’t let that be said on the air”, Posternak replied.

“Who controls the Washington Post, the New York Times, BFMTV and all the newspapers that come around, who are these people…?”, Delawarde insisted… “it’s the community you know well.”

On Twitter, civil society organisations including SOS Racism association, the French Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) and Licra denounced these remarks.

Delawarde is one of 20 generals who signed an open letter published in Valeurs Actuelles in mid-April, referring to the “disintegration” of France, which caused political controversy.


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