Ane-Lise Bylov Jespersen, a 103-year-old nun from Denmark, was officially thanked by Israel’s ambassador to Denmark.
When Bylov Jespersen was 22, she saved the lives of two Jewish babies during the Nazi occupation of Denmark and took care of them until the end of the war.
“I would like to thank you, Ane-Lise Bylov Jespersen, for your courageous act of helping two Jewish babies, far away from their parents, who had to escape to Sweden during the time of the German occupation in [World War II]. Your deeds represent the very basic decency and goodness of humanity – to help a fellow human being in distress, especially the most vulnerable human beings – day-old babies.”
This letter of appreciation from Israel’s ambassador to Denmark, David Akov, was delivered last month to Ane-Lise Bylov Jespersen, a 103-year-old Danish nun, in the presence of the two “infants” she saved in the Holocaust.