
Israeli president attends Holocaust memorial in Greece

Israel's president and Greece's prime minister attended a foundation ceremony on Tuesday for a Holocaust memorial museum in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, which lost 97 percent of its Jewish community in German World War II death camps.

Greek Jews slam desecration of Holocaust memorial

The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece has condemned the desecration of Thessaloniki’s Holocaust monument which took place on Sunday.

Greek Jewish community condemns atttack on Greek Orthodox Patriarch in Bethlehem

The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece has unreservedly condemned the attack against the Patriarch of Jerusalem upon his visit to Bethlehem.

Greek President signs decree for the construction of Thessaloniki Holocaust museum

The Greek Jewish community has welcomed the signing of a presidential decree on authorising the go-ahead for the construction of a Holocaust museum in the city of Thessaloniki.

Twitter blocks Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn party account

Twitter suspended on Thursday the account of Greece’s neo-fascist Golden Dawn party.

Greek online publication uses antisemitic tropes against community leader

The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, the country’s EJC affiliate, has condemned a series of insults, containing fierce racist and antisemitic references, launched against the president of the Athens Jewish community, Minos Moissis, by the web edition of the newspaper MAKELEIO.

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