Finland to donate $1 million to Magen David Adom

The Finnish government signs an agreement to donate $1 million to Magen David Adom, Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance, blood bank and breast milk bank service.

Finland’s ambassador to Israel Dr. Nina Nordström signs the agreement with MDA director-general Eli Bin and meets with the MDA senior management team to learn about the organization’s preparedness, especially now during the war with Hamas in Gaza and attacks from Hezbollah along the northern border.

Nordström also tours the MDA 101 Emergency Call Center in Kiryat Ono and hears from teams who answer calls from across the country, using advanced dispatch technologies. She meets with emergency medical technicians and medics from the western Negev and Sderot who responded to calls under rocket fire on October 7 and in the first days of the war. Nordström also hears the stories of MDA volunteers and employees who were killed in the line of duty treating others.


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