Man throws airsoft grenade at Israeli Embassy in Brussels

A man threw an airsoft grenade at the Israeli Embassy in the Brussels municipality of Uccle, said the Brussels Public Prosecutor’s Office. An investigation has been opened.

“At about 05:30 on Friday morning, an unknown man reportedly threw an airsoft grenade in the direction of the Israeli Embassy in Uccle,”  a spokesperson for the Public Prosecutor’s Office told Belga News Agency.

The police were called to the scene and informed the Public Prosecutor on duty. Afterwards, the federal judicial police laboratory arrived at the scene, as did the DOVO bomb disposal service. “The investigation is ongoing and in the interest of this, the Prosecutor’s Office will not communicate further on this matter,” they added.

An airsoft grenade is a replica of a real one, designed to simulate the effect of a real grenade in airsoft games. While they do not actually explode, they typically use compressed gas or springs to propel a burst of small plastic pellets in all directions, simulating the explosive blast of a real grenade.


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