Arrest made after man threatens acid attack against Jewish individuals in Antwerp

A 28-year-old man has been apprehended by the police for issuing online threats against Jewish individuals in Antwerp. The suspect explicitly stated his intention to carry out an acid attack on a Jewish victim.

In January 2024, a woman approached the Antwerp police to report threats received via social media.

The incident began with a comment under an online article discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Subsequently, the individual behind the profile continued to harass the woman through private messages, publicly disclosed her personal information, and left explicit threats on her voicemail.

The situation escalated further when the threats shifted from being directed at the woman personally to targeting her community.

The man declared his intent to perpetrate a acid attack against a Jewish victim. In response, the police initiated an immediate investigation, successfully identifying and locating the 28-year-old suspect.

Known for various offenses, the police arrested the man at Koningin Astridplein, near the Central Station. Subsequently, he was presented before the examining magistrate, who decided to remand him in custody.


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