EJC holds a preview screening of ‘Simone Veil, a Woman of the Century’

The European Jewish Congress held a preview screening of ‘Simone Veil, a Woman of the Century’ in partnership with Warner Bros. production company on 21 September 2022 in Brussels. The screening took place in the presence of the film’s director Olivier Dahan and the lead actress Elsa Zylberstein.

More than 300 guests including European Commission officials, Brussels MPs and members of the Belgian Jewish community gathered in the UGC Toison D’Or cinema to preview this poignant film about the journey of a Holocaust survivor, an exceptional stateswoman, and the first elected president of the European Parliament Simone Veil through the pivotal events of the 20th century.

2022 marks the 95th anniversary of Simone Veil’s birth and for the European Jewish Congress, representing the flourishing and continuity of Jewish life in Europe across many communities in the aftermath of the Shoah, Simone Veil remains not just a symbol but a beacon for a free and democratic Europe, united in diversity. A survivor of Auschwitz, Simone Veil was a tireless advocate for the most vulnerable. In today’s context of rises in antisemitism, racism and intolerance and where war-torn refugees seek shelter in a democratic Europe, the celebration of her life and contribution attains added significance.

After the screening, Oliver Dahan and Elsa Zylberstein took part in a Q&A with the audience and shared details about how the film was created.

‘Simone Veil, a Woman of the Century’ is released on 12 October 2022 in cinemas in France and Belgium.

