EJC regrets unnecessary intervention of International Court of Justice in Israel’s defensive war against Hamas terror group

(Brussels, January 26, 2024) – The European Jewish Congress expresses its deep regret following the decision today of the International Court of Justice that Israel still must answer a charge of genocide in its defensive war against the Hamas terror group in Gaza.

“This interim decision frankly rewards terror. It essentially rejects the real basis for the current hostilities, which was the unprovoked and brutal attack on October 7 last year on the sovereign territory of the State of Israel and its citizens by the Hamas terror organization,” EJC President Dr Ariel Muzicant said.

“Prior to that attack, the invasion of Israeli towns and villages, the murder of 1,200 people and the kidnapping of more than 200 others, there already was a ceasefire in place. It stands to reason therefore that the conditions, interim and permanent, for the return of the status quo ante prior to October 7 are the immediate and unconditional return of all the hostages, the cessation of missile fire on Israel and an end to the presence of a terror organization on Israel’s border pledged to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state.”

Today in the Hague, the International Court of Justice found that Israel prima facie still has a legal case to answer for genocide in the case brought against it by South Africa.

“While the court rejected the specific demand of South Africa for an immediate ceasefire, it requested of Israel to comply with measures which will only facilitate the aims and objectives of Hamas and its allies in its mission of terror against the Jewish State” EJC said.

“If the Republic of South Africa truly wanted to benefit the citizens of Gaza, it would have been better occupied using its international links to pressurize Hamas and its allies to cease hostilities against Israel rather than bring this nefarious case for genocide,” Muzicant added.

“Not only is the accusation of genocide totally false, we cannot fail to note, as European Jews preparing to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day tomorrow, how this case cheapens the very essence of the term “genocide”, the clear and deliberate attempt to destroy the existence of a people, an act directly experienced by the Jewish People in living memory. ”

“The EJC reiterates our full support for the right of Israel to defend itself and our solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Jewish State in the defence of its borders and citizens from attack. We call on the international community to stand in defence of all democracies fighting the threat of terror.”. 


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