EJC in the media


EJC President Dr Ariel Muzicant talks with The Times of Israel about the rise of antisemitism in Europe

“Lots of Jews in Europe are afraid to go to synagogue, to send their kids to school, to show a kippah or a Star of David,” said EJC President Dr Ariel Muzicant.

Op-Ed by Dr. Moshe Kantor in the Jerusalem Post: “Attacks on Jews, as Jews, are always antisemitic”

"Attacks on Jews and Jewish targets are always motivated by antisemitism, no matter the attempt to contextualize them with geopolitical events 3,000 miles away," writes EJC President Moshe Kantor in an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post.

New York Times : Israeli-Palestinian strife feeds a spate of antisemitic acts in Europe

EJC President Moshe Kantor warned against "geopolitical events 3,000 miles away" being used as a pretext to attack Jews. "By attacking Jewish targets, they demonstrate they don’t hate Jews because of Israel, but rather hate Israel because it is the Jewish homeland," he stated.

Actualité Juive: Dr. Moshe Kantor: “Jewish Identity is an essential part of European identity”

On May 9th, 2021, EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor gave an Interview...

Actualité Juive : Entretien exclusif avec Moshe Kantor: «L’identité juive est une part substantielle de l’identité européenne»

Read the exclusive interview of the President of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor, in the French newspaper Actualité Juive.

Dr. Moshe Kantor calls on President Macron to name new law after Sarah Halimi

In an open letter in the newspaper Actualité Juive, EJC President Dr Moshe Kantor called on French President Emmanuel Macron to name a proposed law amending criminal responsibility after Sarah Halimi and for this law to prevent the failure of justice of the Sarah Halimi case from ever happening again.

AP: German far-right crime rises; police arrest alleged neo-Nazi

“This is a wake-up call, not just for Germany, but for the whole world”. “These figures should ring alarm bells, because we are seeing similar trends across the Western world,” said EJC President Moshe Kantor.

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EJC welcomes European Parliament resolution calling for extended sanctions against Iran

“The centrality of Iran in the destabilisation of the whole of the Middle East is evident to all and we welcome the Parliament’s resolution noting this fact. The time has come for total exclusion of the Islamic Republic from the international arena and targeted sanctions” said EJC President Dr Ariel Muzicant.