German foreign minister condemns UN treatment of Israel

Marking the 70th anniversary of Israel’s admission to the United Nations, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued a statement via Twitter in support of the state founded in 1948.

Israel’s “security and right to exist must never be called into question by anyone anywhere,” Maas wrote.

Maas condemned the UN’s treatment of the Jewish state, writing “Israel is still being denounced, treated in a biased manner and marginalised inappropriately in UN bodies to this day.”

“This state of affairs is painful and unsatisfactory,” Maas wrote, saying the UN was vital to international security and peace. Germany would continue to “support Israel’s legitimate interests, to help strengthen its representation in the UN and to do our utmost to oppose any attempt to isolate or delegitimise Israel.”


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Declaration of the EJC on the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Shoah, the systematic and deliberate mission of the Nazis and their collaborators to annihilate the Jewish people, resulted in the murder of six million Jews between 1939 and 1945. This unparalleled atrocity in world history must never be trivialised, contextualised, or compared, as such acts perpetuate the suffering of its victims and their descendants.