Antisemitism spreads in Europe: New incidents in Poland, Spain and Greece

The wave of antisemitic attacks in Europe appears to be continuing unabated, with swastikas and hate graffiti appearing on Jewish institutions and property in a number of countries, including Poland, Greece and Spain.

In Madrid, Uri and Reut Huminer, emissaries from the World Zionist Organisation, discovered swastikas and anti-Jewish graffiti daubed near their home. The local police have launched an investigation.

In France, swastikas have also repeatedly appeared painted outside the homes of Jews.

Three months ago, vandals sprayed antisemitic and anti-Israeli slogans, along with swastikas, in front of the house of Angel Mas, a senior activist in the Jewish community in Spain and chairman of a Jewish organisation fighting local boycotts of Israel.

“If our message stirs such opposition and anger… then it seems that we are doing something right,” Mas said.

The anti-Jewish sentiment has also reached Poland, where earlier this week large posted were placed on several residential buildings in Warsaw, which read: “These buildings will soon be returned to the Jews, to meet their demands.”

In the Greek capital Athens, antisemitic graffiti was sprayed in the yard of a school. The graffiti said, among other things: “Jews are whores.”


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