Antisemitic incident in central London as knife-wielding woman arrested

An antisemitic incident occurred in the heart of the British capital when an armed woman threatened passersby in the center of Stamford Hill, one of Britain’s largest and most populated Jewish neighborhoods.

The woman was filmed shouting at a Jewish man, “You are to blame for all the problems in the world. You always start fights! Who started World War II? The Jews!”

Officers from London’s Metropolitan Police arrived at the scene and arrested the woman, threatening her with a taser and instructing her to lie on the ground. The woman was taken into custody for questioning.


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Events & Meetings

EJC holds concert in Krakow to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

EJC Executive Vice-President Raya Kalenova addressed the hundreds of participants at the event, which included distinguished policymakers, diplomats, leaders of Jewish communities from across the world, and Holocaust survivors, emphasising the need for the stories of the millions murdered under the Nazi regime to continue to be told for generations to come.