Far-right website lists « Dutch Jews » and « Enemies of the People »

The Dutch Jewish information centre CIDI is demanding that a list of Dutch Jews be removed from an extreme right-wing website.

The website, Altrechts.com, included a list of ‘Jews and part-Jews’ and a page which ‘attempted to quantify the influence of Jews in the Netherlands and Belgium.

« We don’t have to explain what violent antisemites can do with such a list,’ CIDI wrote on its website. « It is unclear who is behind the website which is registered via a Panama server with identity protection.»

The website, which was offline on Friday afternoon because of a system overload, describes Jews as ‘alien organisms’. Another website section lists ‘enemies of the people’ which it describes as ‘Marxists, feminists and homosexuals’. The list also claims to include the names of people who signed a petition calling for the abolition of Zwarte Piet. Internet discrimination hotline MIND told the NRC it had received several complaints about the website and that the public prosecution department is also investigating.


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