Almost all mayors in the Netherlands signed an open letter against the recent rise of antisemitism.
The City of Amsterdam released the letter on behalf of 329 mayors. “Let us continue to oppose any form of discrimination and racism,” the letter stated.
The letter argues that antisemitism is not something new or an attitude related only to recent events, “but an age-old form of racism that, if we do nothing, will be passed on from generation to generation.”
The mayors wrote that antisemitism never went away after World War II, and that antisemitic incidents increased even more after October 7.
“Online, on the street, in the classroom, at the sports club and at our research and applied sciences universities: Everywhere, Jewish residents of cities and towns experience anti-Jewish intimidation and aggression.”
“Criticism of the Israeli government is not antisemitism, but it is when Jewish people are held responsible for the actions of that government just because they are Jewish. Intimidating, abusing or even physically attacking Jewish people is antisemitic and criminally punishable.”
The 329 mayors wrote the letter not only as municipal authorities and leaders responsible for law enforcement, but also as the most recognizable residents of their municipalities. “In that role, we call on our fellow citizens to take each other into account. Not to push the boundaries of what is permissible,” they stated.
“We ask our fellow citizens not to use slogans that hurt and intimidate others. To avoid inappropriate comparisons with the Holocaust or Nazism, which is deeply painful for survivors of the war.”
The signatories further said that volunteers are busy in all Dutch cities and towns these days in preparation for the commemoration of “our” dead on May 4, and the celebration of freedom on Liberation Day on May 5. “We call on all our residents to respect that important and valuable tradition.”