Synagogue in Maribor defaced with antisemitic tags by Neo-Nazis

The Maribor Synagogue in Slovenia has once again been the target of vandalism, this time defaced with hateful graffiti by Neo-Nazi perpetrators. The offensive slogans included messages such as “Jews are the evil of the world” and “Death to the Jews, Glory to Slovenia,” among others.

Director Boris Hajdinjak strongly condemned the attack, emphasising the cultural significance of the synagogue, which is the smallest public cultural institution in Slovenia. He expressed his deep dismay that the building, which represents a rich Jewish heritage, had been desecrated in this manner. In his statement, he confirmed that the incident had been reported to the police for further investigation.

Authorities are treating the incident as both damage to a site of cultural importance and a case of inciting hatred. The perpetrators face serious consequences, with penalties that could include up to five years in prison for damaging cultural property and up to two years for incitement to violence or intolerance. The damage to the synagogue is estimated at €1,500.

In his remarks, Hajdinjak, who is Slovenian, made it clear that the graffiti was not only an attack on the Jewish community but on the nation as a whole. He asserted, “Truly strong countries are not those that have aircraft carriers, thousands of tanks, or inexhaustible amounts of money. Truly strong countries are those that include all their inhabitants, including the smallest minority.”

He expressed confidence that the majority of Slovenians would agree with this sentiment, underlining the importance of fostering inclusivity and tolerance within society.


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