Slovakia prosecutor-general wants to ban far-right party

Slovakia’s prosecutor general has asked the country’s supreme court to ban a parliamentary far-right party.

The spokeswoman for Jaromir Ciznar says the party Kotleba, or The People’s Party Our Slovakia, is an extremist group whose activities violate the country’s constitution.

The prosecutor general says the party’s goal is to destroy the country’s democratic system.

The Kotleba party openly admires the Nazi puppet state that the country was during World War II. Party members use Nazi salutes, consider NATO a terror group and want the country out of the alliance and the European Union.

Party leader Marian Kotleba previously led the banned neo-Nazi Slovak Togetherness-National Party, which organised anti-Roma rallies and admired past Nazi rule.

The party has 14 lawmakers in the 150-seat parliament. It has not commented on the proposed ban.


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