The Slovak post office is commemorating the memory of Holocaust victims with a new stamp marking the 75th anniversary of the first deportation of Jews to concentration camps, An exhibition on the same theme is also opening at the Postal museum in Banská Bystrica. “The exhibition refers to the first deportation of Jews which began on March 25, 1942. The patron of the exhibition is the Ambassador of the State of Israel in Slovakia, Zvi Aviner Vapni,” said Martina Macková, spokesperson of the Slovak Post Office, for the TASR newswire.
Graphic arts students in the third high-school grade also presented perspectives of holocaust topic with sketches and graphics.
The post office stamp Honour to Holocaust Victims has a monetary value of 0.85 euros. Its motive is a detail of striped clothing with a yellow star and label with the date March 25, 1942, the day of the first transport of Jewish women from Slovakia. The author of the design is a student, Karin Uváčková.
The exhibition at the Postal Museum in Banská Bystrica will run until November 16.