Portuguese parliament passes resolution supporting Israel

The Portuguese parliament passed a resolution in support of Israel, in a gesture for the Jewish state’s 75th anniversary.

The measure calls for the expansion of the Abraham Accords, increased economic and cultural cooperation between Lisbon and Jerusalem, and a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The decision, a result of a joint effort between the Israeli ambassador to Portugal Dor Shapira and Portuguese parliament member Alexandre Poço, received support from 215 out of the legislator’s 230 members.

“This is the first time in history that such a vote has passed in Portugal,” Israeli Ambassador Dor Shapira said. “This is another important milestone in the relations between Portugal and Israel.”

“This is a historic and important vote,” Foreign Minister Eli Cohen tweeted.

Portuguese Alexandre Poço, who Shapira singled out for his role in passing the bill, similarly called the vote “historic.”

Israel and Portugal established diplomatic relations in 1977, in the wake of the Carnation Revolution that saw Portugal transition to democracy. Prior to the official establishment of ties, Israel had a diplomatic mission in Lisbon since 1959.


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