Jewish Community of Lisbon organised vigil in the Portuguese capital in defense of Israel

More than 400 people gathered in Lisbon in a vigil to express support for Israel and to condemn the “barbarities” of Hamas.

The event was organised by the Israeli Ambassador to Portugal, Dor Shapira, the Israeli Rabbi in Lisbon, Ruben Suiza, and various dignitaries from the Lisbon Jewish community, along with the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas.

In a brief statement at the vigil held at the top of Eduardo VII Park, Carlos Moedas stated, “It’s difficult to find words to describe so much suffering. We have all seen images on television, and these attacks go beyond anything we thought possible. Lisbon stands unconditionally with Israel, and we must combat terrorism because Hamas is a terrorist organisation. This is something we must say loudly and clearly so there is no doubt.”


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