Norway issues new action plan against antisemitism

The Norwegian government has published a new action plan against antisemitism for 2021-2023, as part of its work for inclusion and against discrimination and hate speech.

The action plan is a continuation of the action plan against antisemitism 2016–2020, and contains measures, and provides a systematic effort against antisemitism.

The dcoument acknowledges the importance of a holistic approach. In particular, it stresses that  several of the measures in the Action Plan against Racism and Discrimination on the Grounds of Ethnicity and Religion (2020–2023) are also important in combatting antisemitism, adding that the government has strengthened its internal coordination of efforts to combat extremism, racism and hate speech.

Based on the action plan from 2016, the government has supported a number of measures in various areas to combat antisemitism in Norway.

The new plan, which is heavily focused on education, contains 12 measures, retains many of the effective measures from the previous plan, and adds new measures developed over the years are also discussed.

These are:

1. Further develop the schools project ‘Democratic Preparedness against Racism,    Antisemitism and Undemocratic Attitudes’ (Dembra).
2. Grants for school trips for pupils.
3. Grants for courses for teachers.
4. Continue the support for the Jewish Community of Oslo’s educational programme, including the Jewish Pathfinders.
5. Maintain the level of funding for the Jewish museums in Oslo and Trondheim and the Jewish Cultural Festival Trondheim.
6.Establish a national competence centre for combatting hate crime as a resource for all police districts.
7. Conduct attitude surveys every five years.
8. Monitor antisemitism on the internet.
9. Conclude the research programme on antisemitism and Jewish life in present-day
10. Bring to a conclusion the PhD/postdoctoral positions for research on the prevention of group-focused prejudices in schools
11. Continue Norway’s international commitment to combatting antisemitism and preserving Jewish heritage in Europe.
12. Evaluate the overall effort to combat antisemitism.

You can download the action plan here


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