President Pendarovski received Pepo Levi, the new President of the Macedonian Jewish community

President Stevo Pendarovski received Pepo Levi, the new President of the Jewish community

At the meeting, President Pendarovski congratulated Pepo Levi on his appointment as President of the Jewish Community and stressed his commitment to cooperation with the Jewish community, as well as with the other religious communities in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the interest of mutual understanding and respect for diversity, as one of the fundamental values in our society.

President Pendarovski, emphasizing the role of the leaders of religious communities in fostering coexistence, as an important precondition for prosperity and progress, expressed expectation that the new president and all members of the Jewish community, as before, will continue to make significant contributions towards our common future.

The current activities of the Jewish community, as well as their future plans and engagements were also discussed at the meeting.


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