Families of Israeli hostages traveled to Malta and met the Prime Minister and high-ranking officials

A delegation of the families of the Israeli hostages visited Malta, joined by the Israeli Ambassador to Malta and high-ranking officials of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The delegation held many high-level meetings including with the Prime Minister of Malta, Robert Abela, the Maltese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ian Borg, the Minister of Home Affairs, Byron Camilleri, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Anglu Farrugia, the Chair Edward Zammit Lewis, and members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament, and the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Pia Kauma.

The delegation also met with special representatives for combating antisemitism from different countries who were visiting Malta for an OSCE conference.

The delegation gave interviews to the Maltese press and TV.

The main theme during the meetings was the need for the unconditional and immediate release of the hostages.


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