Speaker of the Lithuanian parliament: “fight against antisemitism must be a constant part of the political agenda”

Saulius Skvernelis, Speaker of the Seimas, met with Andrew Baker, Co-chair of the Board of the Good Will Foundation and Director of International Jewish Affairs at the American Jewish Committee, and Faina Kukliansky, Co-chair of the Board of the Good Will Foundation and Chairperson of the Jewish Community of Lithuania.

At the meeting, while discussing the events in the Middle East and the increase in antisemitic incidents in some European countries, the Speaker of the Seimas assured that Lithuania remained a safe country for Jewish people.

“The fight against anti-Semitism must be a constant part of the political agenda. My views on the Holocaust and antisemitism have been well known to all since my years as Prime Minister, and they have not changed at all. We have zero tolerance for any manifestations of antisemitism, denial of the Holocaust, or disrespect for the Holocaust victims. I hope that, as a state governed by the rule of law, we will be able to assess all manifestations of antisemitism in accordance with law and that our newly formed ruling coalition will be a reliable and solid partner,’ Mr Skvernelis said at the meeting.

The Speaker of the Seimas also informed his guests of his plans to personally attend the event commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, a tragedy of the 20th century, to be held at the end of January 2025 at the site of the former Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland, 80 years after the closure of the camp.


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