Liliana Segre re-elected as President of the Italian Senate Commission against hate

Senator for life Liliana Segre was re-elected president of the extraordinary commission for the fight against intolerance, racism, antisemitism and incitement to hatred and violence in the Senate.

It was Segre itself that proposed the reconstitution of the Commission, already desired in the previous legislature, and on 19 January 2023 the Senate approved its establishment unanimously. 

The Commission is made up of 20 members and must observe, study and intervene on phenomena of intolerance, racism, antisemitism, incitement to hatred and violence against people or social groups based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or particular physical or mental conditions. 

The Commission is responsible for supervising “crucial issues, such as freedom of expression and the protection of the dignity of the person”, Segre said in the Senate, presenting the two needs as complementary. 

The Commission’s work program for the new legislature includes several issues that have marked the last few years, starting with the changes (and layoffs) within giants such as Amazon, Twitter or Meta.

 As highlighted by Senator Segre, if large companies responsible for online communication encounter problems, the contents are also affected and vigilance over the spread of hate speech decreases.


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