Holocaust memorial inaugurated in Kiskőrös

The inauguration of the Kiskőrös Holocaust Memorial took place at the local synagogue.

Attila Kendrusz, the religious leader of the Szeged Jewish Community, opened the event with the psalm chosen for the occasion.

Chief Rabbi Zoltán Radnóti said a morning prayer next to the former Torah cabinet of the former Orthodox synagogue.

At the event, László Domonyi, the Mayor of Kiskőrös, spoke about the past and history of the Jewish community in Kiskőrös and remembered June 18, 1944, when the Jewish population of the city was loaded into wagons to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.

Dr. Andor Grósz ,President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (MAZSIHISZ), stated that “we must remember, because of the past, present, but also the future of the Jewish community.”

Between 1849-1944, the approximately 250-year-old Jewish community in Kiskőrös accounted for 4-5% of the town’s population – 400-500 people. 422 Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.


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