Three individuals in Greece assault Israeli Arab-Christian assuming he was Jewish

Fahad Qubati, a 24-year-old former IDF soldier from Nazareth, was targeted by three individuals in Greece. He is suffering wounds to his jaw and head.

The Greek Embassy responded to the attack. “Greece strongly condemns the violent assault on an Israeli citizen last Wednesday. Competent authorities are conducting a thorough investigation. Acts of violence are unacceptable. All Israelis are welcome in Greece, which is a totally safe tourist destination,” the embassy stated.

According to the report, Qubati, who is an Arab Christian, was traveling with relatives in Greece when the three attacked. His mother, Jacqueline Qubati, said the attackers stopped only when Qubati showed them the cross which he wore.

“Nothing could persuade them until a Tunisian citizen intervened and helped my son prove he was Arab. Only then did they apologize and flee. It could have ended in murder,” Qubati’s mother said.


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Declaration of the EJC on the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Shoah, the systematic and deliberate mission of the Nazis and their collaborators to annihilate the Jewish people, resulted in the murder of six million Jews between 1939 and 1945. This unparalleled atrocity in world history must never be trivialised, contextualised, or compared, as such acts perpetuate the suffering of its victims and their descendants.