The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece expresses the condemnation and the abhorrence of the Greek Jewry for the vandal attack against the Jewish cemetery of Athens.
It is not just another incident of antisemitism. It does not only constitute an act of disrespect towards the memory of our dead brothers, it insults the moral principle of the respect of the dead, which is shared by all three monotheistic religions and our civilisation as well.
If we remain passive bystanders of the deplorable acts instigated by hate preachers, it will be as if we, ourselves, open again the doors to barbarity, allowing the comeback of the darkest time in history, the time when human beings had lost their human nature. Antisemitism is only the sign of that dark period which the vast majority of the Greeks do not want to experience again.
We urge the authorities, the social institutions and the representatives of Letters, Arts and culture to protest, side by side with the Jewish community, and state their firm reaction to antisemitism.