The Conference of Education Ministers adopted a comprehensive joint declaration and set of recommendations on the appropriate and differentiated representation of Judaism in educational media.
The declaration, the result of months of collaboration between the Conference of Education Ministers, the Central Council of Jews in Germany, and the Association of Educational Media, was subsequently signed by all three partners.
It aims to reduce prejudices, stereotypes, and distortions in the communication of Jewish history, culture, and religion. These recommendations are directed towards creators of educational media, educational administrations, and, importantly, teachers.
The declaration comprises twelve key points that are essential for a technically accurate, didactically appropriate, and unbiased presentation of Judaism and related topics. The main aspects include:
Relevance and diversity: Jewish life should be presented in its contemporary form and diversity. The declaration highlights that Judaism in Germany, Europe, and globally is a living part of society whose voices must be included in educational media.
Integration into society: Jews are an integral part of German society. Educational media should avoid portraying them as “foreign” or “other”, instead emphasising their role as a vital part of the community.
Differentiated perspectives: The representation of Judaism must reflect the diversity of Jewish identities, taking into account both religious and secular lifestyles.
Avoiding stereotypes: Educational media are urged to avoid stereotypical representations that foster antisemitic prejudices. This includes critical scrutiny of historical and contemporary portrayals.
Antisemitism as a subject: Antisemitism should not be addressed solely as a historical phenomenon but also in its current manifestations. The declaration calls for age-appropriate educational media that explain and raise awareness of modern-day antisemitism.
The declaration’s twelve points are followed by detailed, practical recommendations on key subject areas, including “Jewish life today”, “Jewish religion, ethics, and culture”, “Jewish history from antiquity to the present”, “The State of Israel”, and “Historical and contemporary antisemitism”. Cross-cutting pedagogical and methodological aspects, such as the use of language, materials, sources, and tasks, are also addressed.
Christine Streichert-Clivot, President of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany 2024 and Saarland Minister for Education and Culture, stated: “It is essential that our educational media convey a multifaceted and unbiased image of Judaism. This is a key contribution to promoting a deep understanding of the diversity of Jewish life and an effective means of countering the threat of antisemitism. Education plays a pivotal role: it lays the foundation for a democratic society, strengthens social cohesion, and fosters respectful coexistence. Through a conscious, differentiated, and competent examination of Judaism in schools and classrooms, we can uphold and preserve basic democratic values for the long term. I would like to thank the Central Council of Jews in Germany and the Association of Educational Media e.V. for the strong signal we are sending through this excellent collaboration.”
Dr Josef Schuster, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, noted: “The joint declaration is the outcome of many years of trusted cooperation between the Conference of Education Ministers, the Association of Educational Media, and the Central Council of Jews. By adhering to these recommendations when creating, assessing, and selecting school materials, we can foster a deeper understanding of Judaism’s significance in German history and society today while effectively combating antisemitism among students and teachers. It is now equally important to revise curricula and train teachers to distinguish high-quality materials from flawed ones.”