French President condemns vandalism of Paris Holocaust memorial

French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the vandalism at the Wall of the Righteous, a memorial for the French citizens who risked their lives to save Jews during the Second World War, at the Mémorial de la Shoah Holocaust museum in Paris.

The vandals, who wore hoods to conceal their identities, painted dozens of blood-red hands on the memorial, photographs from the scene show.

The police have been informed of the vandalism and a hate crime investigation is underway.

Macron said the vandalism “damages the memory” both of those who saved Jews in the Holocaust as well as the victims.

“The (French) Republic, as always, will remain steadfast in the face of odious antisemitism,” he added.


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Events & Meetings

EJC holds Executive Committee meeting in Paris

The European Jewish Congress held its Executive Committee meeting on 10 December in Paris, France, where leaders of Jewish communities gathered to discuss recent developments, exchange best practices and address challenges ahead amid the rising antisemitism after the October 7th massacre.