Czech Jewish Community recorded 1,128 Antisemitic incidents in 2021

The Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic (Federace židovských obcí v České Republice) recorded a total of 1,128 antisemitic incidents in 2021. This is 254 more than in 2020, when 874 incidents were recorded, representing a 29% increase.

The vast majority of all recorded antisemitic incidents, 98% in total, are expressions of hate on the Internet (articles, posts on social networks, anonymous comments and discussion posts).

This increase in incidence is related to the overall atmosphere in society, which, as in 2020, was significantly affected by the covid-19 disease pandemic.

The analysis of data for the year 2021 pointed to a worrying trend of a continuous increase in recorded manifestations of threats, approval, justification or incitement to physical aggression.

At the same time, a significantly higher number of antisemitic attacks by supporters of the extreme right was observed in the Czech Republic in 2021. For the first time ever, the number of such registered incidents exceeded the category that includes incidents without a clear ideological background.

The annual report on manifestations of antisemitism in the Czech Republic for the year 2021 was published by the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic as one of the outputs of the MANTIC project, which is co-financed by the European Union through the CERV program.


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