The European Jewish Congress strongly condemns the latest anti-Semitic provocations coming from Radio Maryja, a well-known and established outlet for spreading hate against Jews, and for promulgating extremist ideology.
On March 27th, Stanislaw Michalkiewicz a commentator for Radio Maryja, attacked current attempts to gain just restitution for Polish Jews by labeling such efforts as a “Holocaust business” and accused Jews of “trying to force our government to pay extortion money disguised as ‘compensation payments.” The commentator also freely used ugly and medieval characterisations of Jews.
We call upon the Polish government to finally take a strong stance against Radio Maryja, by applying existing European laws and conventions against incitation to hate that Poland is now a signatory to, and prosecute Mr. Michalkiewicz and the station’s leadership.
The European Jewish Congress has written both Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, asking that measures be taken against the virulently anti-Semitic Radio Maryja.