European Jewry elects a new President

On Sunday, June 26th, the General Assembly of the European Jewish Congress (EJC) convened in Paris with the participation of 130 delegates, representing 36 Jewish communities in Europe. The French candidate Pierre Besnainou was elected by the General Assembly as President of the EJC for a mandate of two years renewable.

Mr. Besnainou ran for the presidency against Cobi Bentoff, the outgoing EJC president.

In addition, the General Assembly decided on the creation of a Board of Governors which will be responsible for all educational and cultural programs as well as fundraising. Moshe Kantor will be its first Chairman.

In conclusion, the Assembly elected the 17 members of the Executive, and renewed Serge Cwajgenbaum’s position as Secretary General. In keeping with the tradition of rotation of small communities within the Executive, Switzerland, Poland and Belarussia yielded their places to Turkey, Spain and Romania.


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Amid alarming rises in antisemitic attacks in Europe, Jewish communities warn of urgent threat to security at Austrian Parliament conference

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) strongly endorses the joint statement issued at the Austrian Parliament’s conference, addressing the disturbing rise in antisemitism following October 7th as an affront to democracy and human rights, supported by parliamentarians and policymakers from across the world.