EJC welcomes EU sanctions against Hamas military leader

Brussels, January 16 – The European Jewish Congress welcomes the decision of the Council of the European Union to place Hamas terror leader and the planner and instigator of the October 7 brutal massacre of hundreds of Israeli citizens, Yahya Sinwar, to its list of sanctioned individuals.

The decision means that Sinwar’s assets will be frozen in all states of the European Union and no economic activity can take place with him in Europe. The list includes other minor Hamas leaders and adds to a list already containing Hamas military leaders, Mohammed Deif and Marwan Issa.

“The move is welcome, correct and logical,” EJC President Ariel Muzicant said. “ Hamas is a terror organisation, there is no difference whatsoever between its so-called military and political wings and it should stand to reason that all its leaders should automatically appear on sanctions lists of the EU and its member states. The tragedy is that it took the massacre of October 7 for this recognition of the need to sanction Sinwar. It should now be evident to all who Hamas is and who its leaders are. A terror organisation committed to the wiping out of Israel and the slaughter of Jews.”

“We call on the European Union to automatically extend this sanctions list to all senior political and military leaders of Hamas, whether those directly involved in the terror campaign in Gaza or those nestled up in the hotels of Qatar and Turkey. Europe must show no tolerance to terrorism anywhere.” 


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EJC holds concert in Krakow to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

EJC Executive Vice-President Raya Kalenova addressed the hundreds of participants at the event, which included distinguished policymakers, diplomats, leaders of Jewish communities from across the world, and Holocaust survivors, emphasising the need for the stories of the millions murdered under the Nazi regime to continue to be told for generations to come.