
Op-Ed by Dr. Moshe Kantor: The last chance to stop Iran is now

"Understanding Israel’s position, and the new reality in the Middle East, providing diplomatic and logistical support for Israel to prevent Iran’s nuclear capability would be a very real threat felt in Tehran, especially if it involved a united front from the P5+1", writes Moshe Kantor in an Op-ed in the Jerusalem Post.

Passivity against racism

One of the most seminal slogans of the 20th century was the...

Leaving no one behind in today’s Europe

In a speech on the Eurozone debt crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel...

Dealing with Europe’s soul, not just economies

Many times in the recent and distant past, history has witnessed examples...

THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWSPAPER: “The greatest lesson of the past is not to wait until its too late” by Moshe Kantor

Seventy years later we are witnessing a similar spectre of tyranny over...

An open letter to the people of Sweden

Like many of you, I have been closely following developments concerning the...

Totally Jewish.com : Why We Need a European Council of Reconciliation

In a few weeks we will commemorate the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a 1938 Nazi-led pogrom in which Jews were physically attacked and killed and Jewish institutions were destroyed. While the hatred between different nations that dominated European history for so long has practically been overcome, Europe has clearly not learnt all of the lessons from its darkest hours...

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EJC and WJC call for immediate release of hostages held by Hamas

Ahead of the Munich Security Conference, EJC and WJC "urge leaders and decision-makers—across governments, industry and civil society—to demand the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages still held in Gaza."