
Op-Ed by Dr. Moshe Kantor: The last chance to stop Iran is now

"Understanding Israel’s position, and the new reality in the Middle East, providing diplomatic and logistical support for Israel to prevent Iran’s nuclear capability would be a very real threat felt in Tehran, especially if it involved a united front from the P5+1", writes Moshe Kantor in an Op-ed in the Jerusalem Post.

Op-ed by Dr Moshe Kantor: Europe’s rising antisemitism demands a new social contract

"In Europe, due to rising radicalism, populism, a weak political center, economic imbalances and terrorism - combined with a lack of historical memory - antisemitism is no longer considered an absolute evil. And it's likely to get worse," writes Dr Moshe Kantor in an Op-ed for CNN.

Open Letter by Dr. Moshe Kantor in the WSJ: Time for stronger Jewish unity on the issues that matter

Together, on the occasion of Israel’s Independence Day and its achievements as a beacon of hope and progress in the world, we call for an end to hate and intolerance, not just for the Jewish People, but for all peoples across the globe.

Open letter by Dr. Moshe Kantor in the Washington Post: Leading the good fight against antisemitism

Antisemitism in a globalised world knows no geographical boundaries, so it is important that this topic is central at the ADL Summit. On behalf of 42 national Jewish communities across Europe, I commend the work of the ADL in fighting antisemitism and all forms of hate around the world.

The power of words in the battle against hate

When we say "Never Again!" we don't just mean the death and concentration camps, we also mean the language and rhetoric that led up to the genocide, millions inculcated with a hatred against Jews and others. Words have power. Let's use them not to incite, vilify or divide, but to remember, educate, inspire and unite.

Why All Citizens Have A Duty To Combat Home-Grown Terrorism

Once again, Europe has been placed at the mercy of terrorists. Innocent...

The world is going backwards on nuclear proliferation – this is not a mistake we can afford to make

The Munich Security Conference, which opens on Friday, could not be more...

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Declaration of the EJC on the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Shoah, the systematic and deliberate mission of the Nazis and their collaborators to annihilate the Jewish people, resulted in the murder of six million Jews between 1939 and 1945. This unparalleled atrocity in world history must never be trivialised, contextualised, or compared, as such acts perpetuate the suffering of its victims and their descendants.