News & Views


U.S. Justice Department forms task force to battle antisemitism focusing on campuses

The task force follows an executive order from President Donald Trump in which he warned "resident aliens who joined in pro-jihadist protests" that they would be deported.

UAE apologises to Israel for judo handshake snub

The United Arab Emirates’ top judo official apologised to his Israeli counterpart...

UNRWA demands end to tunnel building under its schools

Palestinians must stop building tunnels under Gaza schools, the United Nations Relief...

Yad Vashem identifies 225,000 Hungarian Holocaust victims

Yad Vashem’s Names Collection project in Hungary has now identified some 225,000...

Charles Aznavour gets award for family’s help to Jews during the Holocaust

French Armenian singing legend Charles Aznavour was honoured in Israel on Thursday...

Thousands of Jewish documents lost during the Holocaust discovered

A trove of 170,000 Jewish documents thought to have been destroyed by...

US publisher apologises for medical textbook depicting Jews as demanding

The Pearson education publishing company has apologised for a section of one...

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Declaration of the EJC on the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Shoah, the systematic and deliberate mission of the Nazis and their collaborators to annihilate the Jewish people, resulted in the murder of six million Jews between 1939 and 1945. This unparalleled atrocity in world history must never be trivialised, contextualised, or compared, as such acts perpetuate the suffering of its victims and their descendants.