
Person convicted in Navarre for hate speech against Jews on social networks

The Provincial Court of Navarre has sentenced a 40-year-old man to two years in prison and a four-month fine for committing a hate speech offence on social networks, exalting the attacks against Israel and calling for a 'Holy War'. He was also dedicated to exalting the actions of the terrorist group Hamas and inciting hatred against Jews.

Tàrrega will inaugurate a Museum on Catalan Judaism

Tàrrega City Council will inaugurate  a new cultural facility that will consolidate the capital of l'Urgell as one of the dissemination centers about Catalan Judaism.

Spanish Catholic church to investigate antisemitic rituals

Spain’s Catholic church has said it will investigate antisemitic rituals after an Israeli newspaper revealed that towns and villages continue to commemorate the “blood libel” that Jews use the blood of Christian children in religious rituals.

Centro Sefarad inaugurates exhibition in Madrid about Rembrandts links to the Dutch Jewish Community

From 27 July to 26 October, 2022, Madrid Centro Sefarad-Israel is hosting...

FCJE commemorates AMIA bombing victims

On the occasion of a new anniversary of the AMIA Bombing, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain, the Centro Sefarad-Israel and the Embassy of Argentina in Spain organized an event to remember the victims and demand justice.

Jewish Cemetery in Istanbul vandalised

36 tombstones of Hasköy Jewish Cemetery, Istanbul, were vandalized. The Jewish Community of Turkey expect "the perpetrators of  to be caught as soon as possible".

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