The Netherlands

Dutch Catholic bishops visit synagogues

As part of the yearly Day of Judaism that the Dutch Roman Catholic Church organises since 2008, a group of Bishops visited the synagogues of Enschede and Groningen.

Vandals target Amsterdam synagogue and hospice

Police in the Netherlands are investigating vandalism at a synagogue and a hospice for people dying of terminal diseases.

Dutch remember Jewish psychiatric patients murdered by Nazis

Hundreds of people have attended the unveiling of a monument commemorating 251 Jews who were sent to be murdered from a psychiatric hospital in The Hague.

Dutch Holocaust survivor ordered to pay taxes on forced labour pension

The Dutch tax authority is seeking payment from an 86-year-old Holocaust survivor for a pension stipend that she is receiving from Germany for her employment as a child in forced labour.

Dutch retired professor questions Holocaust on TV, calls Jews “parasites”

A professor emeritus from an esteemed university in the Netherlands whose father was a Nazi called Jews “parasites” in a televised interview.

The Hague to place worldwide advertisement for Jewish restitution

Starting in December, The Hague will place advertisements in Dutch and foreign media, intended for Jewish owners of property in the city during the Second World War. These property owners may be eligible for moral restitution.

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