
Swiss Jews welcome government decision to contribute to the security of vulnerable minorities

The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG/FCSI) welcomed a decision by the Swiss Federal Council to contribute to the security costs of particularly vulnerable minorities.

Rabbi and imam awarded first Swiss Jews’ dialogue prize

Four religious leaders, including a rabbi and an imam, have been honoured for their efforts to bring Swiss religious communities closer together.

Increase in antisemitic incidents in German-speaking Switzerland

Antisemitic incidents in German-speaking areas of Switzerland increased in 2017, according to figures released by the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities.

Swiss neo-Nazi returns to jail after spitting at a Jewish person

A neo-Nazi from Zurich who spit at a Jew in 2015 has been sentenced to two years in prison by a Swiss court.

“Swiss Schindler” honoured with room at Federal Palace

A key meeting venue in the Swiss Federal Palace in Bern renamed the ‘Carl Lutz room’ in honour of the diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary from the Nazis in World War II.

Swiss MP resigns following Auschwitz comments

Swiss Green MP Jonas Fricker will leave Parliament at the beginning of...

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