
German court rules that Kuwait Airlines “within its rights” to ban Israeli

A German court has ruled that a Kuwaiti airline was within its rights to refuse to carry an Israeli citizen.

Germany charges ex-Nazi camp guards over hundreds of deaths

German prosecutors investigating Nazi-era crimes said on Wednesday they had charged two former SS officers in their 90s with complicity in hundreds of murders at the Stutthof concentration camp.

German’s central bank to examine its years under Nazi government

Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany’s post-war central bank, has announced plans to research the history of the national banking system, including its predecessor institutions, from 1923 to 1969, with a special focus on the Nazi years.

German teen praised for standing up to neo-Nazis

A German teenager has been praised for standing up to neo-Nazis at her school. The non-Jewish 15-year-old was awarded the prize for Civic Courage against Right-wing Radicalism, Antisemitism and Racism.

German police launch investigation into stolen Holocaust memorial stones

German police have launched an investigation into the theft of at least 12 inscribed metal memorial stones embedded in the pavement in Berlin to commemorate Nazi victims.

German football fans create stickers with photo of Anne Frank on rival team’s shirt

Stickers showing a doctored photo of Anne Frank wearing a German football...

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