
Merkel condemns far right attack on Jewish restaurant

Chancellor Angela Merkel assured parliament she takes seriously Germans’ concerns about crimes committed by migrants and pledged a strong response, but condemned recent demonstrations as “hateful,” saying there is “no excuse” for expressions of hate, Nazi sympathies or violence in response.

German Jews call anti-foreigner riots threat to democracy

Josef Schuster, head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said in a statement that it was extremely worrying that that right-wing extremists have become more radical and more professional in their activities.

Huge crowds attend German anti-racism demonstration as Merkel urges people to speak out

Tens of thousands of people attended an anti-racism concert in protest against xenophobic mobs that ran rampage in the city of Chemnitz last week.

Far-right German AfD group disrupts tour of Sachsenhausen death camp

A tour of Sachsenhausen was disrupted by far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) visitors. Members of the group reportedly uttered "manifestly far-right and historically revisionist" interjections.

Germans alarmed by pogrom mentality after far-right riots

Germans expressed alarm after two days of violent far-right protests that degenerated into attacks against foreign-looking people.

Ex-communist East Germany a hotbed for hate crime

Extremist hooligans have vented their anger at foreigners, hunting some in the streets, since a German man was stabbed to death, allegedly by an Iraqi and a Syrian who were arrested.

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