
Finnish Parliamentary candidate convicted for attack on Jewish synagogue

The Helsinki District Court convicted parliamentary election candidate of the blue-black movement party Ville Nurmela for the attack on the synagogue of the Turku Jewish congregation. The attack was carried out on Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2020.

Finnish parliament constitutional and agricultural committees decide to protect Jewish Religious Slaughter

The Finnish parliament constitutional committee decided after a 10-5 vote result that the proposal to forbid religiously motivated shechita and halal slaughter is not proportional with regards to freedom of religion and the agricultural committee took the same decision with a 12-3 vote.

Finland to donate $1 million to Magen David Adom

The Finnish government signs an agreement to donate $1 million to Magen David Adom, Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance, blood bank and breast milk bank service.

Katharina von Schnurbein calls on Finland to do more to combat antisemitism

European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, has called on the Finnish authorities to do more to combat hate speech, including antisemitic narratives.

Majority of Finnish parties support banning Nazi symbols

A majority of Finnish political parties support making the display of Nazi symbols, specifically the swastika, illegal in public, a new survey found.

Court declares Finnish neo-Nazi group bankrupt

The Finnish neo-Nazi organisation Nordic Tradition, an associate of the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), has been declared bankrupt.

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